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Introducing Teams

Introducing a new way to simplify user management

Max Ignatyev avatar
Written by Max Ignatyev
Updated over a week ago

Ever wanted to simplify user management in Sympli Handoff? We heard you and are excited to announce Teams: a new way to organize your team and share projects.

Learn more by watching a tutorial below, or scroll down for a text walkthrough.

Creating a Team

It’s easy to create a team:

  • Click on your avatar in the top right and choose “Teams”

  • Click “New Team”

  • Enter a name for your team and click “Create Team”

Once you’ve created your team, you can add new team members by typing their email and hitting enter or existing team members by email or name. You can select the role for your team by clicking the arrow next to the “Add as User” button.

Managing Team Roles

Need someone with view-only access? Want someone to have power user status? You can fine-tune the project role for each user in the team to make sure they have the permissions you want. The user roles are the same as previous project roles

Sharing a project

With a team in place, it’s even easier to add users to projects. When sharing a project, you can enter the team name and all the team’s users will be granted access. You no longer have to add each user one by one to every new project. Look up the team by name in the sharing dialog and click “Add Team”. It’s that easy. 

Teams are available now on our Business and Enterprise plans, so give it a try. Not on a premium plan? Shoot us a note and we'll set you up to test Teams and also talk about how you can benefit from enhanced features like Teams, Jira integration, Single Sign-On, Git-based design file version control, and more. 

Other Great Stuff

Don't forget that along with Teams Sympli Handoff has many other great features like:

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