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How do I invite collaborators?

Share links to projects and designs

Max Ignatyev avatar
Written by Max Ignatyev
Updated over a week ago

You can add a collaborator in one of two ways:

With the first option, anybody who has a link can join your project with the role configured for that link and as such, is best for team sharing. You can even send project invites with the link to a particular design, or to designs filtered by tags.

We take privacy and security seriously, so sharing links can be disabled and regenerated by the project owner.

With the second option, each person receives an invitation on an individual basis, making it more secure overall. 

Sympli Handoff also provides you with the option of sharing with collaborators immediately after a project has been uploaded via the finish screen. 

You must be either a project owner or be granted Power User access via the project owner to manage a project’s setting including sharing.

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